First of all, thank you for being here to celebrate the women of Prince Edward Island, we can already feel this community joining together and you know how we get sappy about stuff like that. 

We couldn’t be prouder to introduce you to our first MVW of PEI. Chelsey Rogerson’s name was put forward from a few different people, but one nomination really stood out. Here’s Rachel Harper’s nomination for Chelsey in her own words.

Chelsey has been a leader and beating to her own drum since as long as I've known her. As teenagers, while the rest of us were in after school sports, Chelsey was joining the Young Liberals of Canada. And while we were working for minimum wage at tourist stores, she was operating her own cotton candy business at the Farmer's Market, appearing on Street Cents, and leading Junior Achievement. She could always see the bigger picture and was never afraid to buck the trend by doing something completely different than the rest of her friends.

In 2007 she left P.E.I. to move to Ottawa to work for Member of Parliament Wayne Easter. So although she was provinces away, she was still able to keep her connections at home. But in 2013, she felt the pull to move back, working first at Advantage Communications and then as the membership and marketing manager with the Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce. Now, she's currently the executive assistant to Sean Casey, Member of Parliament. Through that work she gets to see the Island, participate in public forums, tend to Islanders wants / needs and is able to keep her finger on the pulse of what is happening on P.E.I.

Although she holds many other skills, she is primarily a social media strategist, political aficionado and communications enthusiast. Since the move back, she has taken these skills and fully immersed herself in volunteer work for various organizations and causes. She has volunteered as a communications expert for several conferences and workshops to teach baby boomers and women in business how to better leverage social media for personal and business. She has also served as the communications volunteer for Pride P.E.I.

She currently sits on the board for the Rotary Club of Charlottetown, has become a facilitator for SMART Recovery, and is a member of the steering committee for the P.E.I. Coalition for Women in Government. She is vocal and passionate about causes close to her heart; furthering female equality, the LGBTQ community and helping those with addictions and mental health.

I think Chelsey is a force to be reckoned with and in the six years since she's moved back to P.E.I. has made great strides in her community through her volunteer work, advocacy and professional work. She has been faced with much adversity in her person life, and still manages to empower others and take on the day with a smile on her face. She inspires me every day and P.E.I. is lucky to have her.

Congratulations, Chelsey!

Rachel Peters